About the book

One seemingly ordinary day in the distant future, a young girl named Ela makes a startling discovery on the barren outskirts of her city. What Ela finds that day will ignite hope, inspire curiosity, and reveal an ominous truth about her planet.

As Ela’s story unfolds, you’ll be drawn into the mystery and excitement of her adventures and inspired to reflect on your role in shaping the world around you. Hands-on activities empower young readers to embrace and champion a more sustainable future.

Welcome to the captivating world of Planet B: Making of M.I.T.R.A., the first book in a series by debut author Ratika Van Noord. This engaging story of resilience and regeneration is also a powerful educational tool tailor-made for young minds.

In Planet B’s immersive world, you’ll explore circular economies, waste management, recycling, and climate change. Effortlessly blending storytelling with information, the world of Planet B is designed to captivate and educate.

Planet B is proudly printed with environmentally-friendly soy-based inks on paper made from 100% post-consumer waste recycled fibre by Monadnock Paper Mills, USA.


Teach with Planet B

Planet B: Making of M.I.T.R.A. has been thoughtfully written to engage young minds while also exploring complex concepts like pollution, circular economies, product loops and waste management. 

Explore Planet B in your classroom and encourage cross-curricular learning by incorporating lessons and activities from English, environmental science, and civic engagement.

Read Planet B  together as a class, or explore the activities together as a family and discover how you can start making a difference, today!

About the Author

We all know that the Earth is in trouble, but we often feel that, as individuals, we are too insignificant to make a difference. I want children to be able to identify with the characters in the novel, to realise that they can create positive change, and take on the mission to rescue the planet. I want them to influence their parents to start making changes in their personal lifestyle that will secure their children’s future.

 – Ratika van Noord Bhatnagar

Ratika van Noord Bhatnagar is the founder of Pilcrow Communications, a purpose-led experiential marketing agency with a mission to encourage positive behavioural change. Planet B is Ratika’s first book, inspired by her determination to create a healthier world through the power of storytelling.

In 2019, Ratika moved from New Delhi to Goa, India, to provide a healthier living environment for her young children – one with cleaner air, surrounded by nature. While in Goa, she witnessed the fragile biodiversity of the Western Ghats being destroyed by mindless construction and waste dumping. This tragedy, coupled with the knowledge that so many children still live amidst the pollution of big cities, motivated Ratika to learn more about the problem and search for a solution. She took courses on sustainable event management and waste management and then wrote this first book in the series.

The van Noord family currently lives in the Netherlands, and Ratika is busy writing the second book in the series: Planet B: The Circle of Life.


Writing a book is easy…or so I thought in December of 2019. I had finished the first draft in four months and felt great! Then came the hard part.

Was it any good? How would I find a publisher? What should I do next?

It took over two years, umpteen rewrites, and the help of a village before this story of Ela and her friends got published, and another two years and many more people to finally get to YOU, the person reading this right now.

I  wrote down the words for an idea, but Planet B gained the form and substance you see today through the time and effort put in by a cast of amazing people who I have the privilege of calling my colleagues, friends, and family.
I have listed a few of these wonderful people below.

  • Critical Feedback

    Geeta Bhatnagar, Suresh Bhatnagar, Medha Nanda, Karishma Khanduja, Rohan Bhatnagar

    My family, for believing I can do no wrong. You give me the confidence to try anything without fear of failure.

  • Vincent van Noord

    My husband,who I forced into reading and re-reading the various drafts, for being my best and biggest critic (and for once, I appreciated all the critical feedback!).

  • Ayaana Bhatnagar, Veerashwa Poddar, Priyanka Jhijharia, Richa Wadhera, Roshni Khattar, Udai Mehra  

    My nieces, nephews, family, and friends, thank you for taking the time to read the various drafts and giving me valuable feedback.

  • Fazal Rashid 

    Your positive reaction as the first professional and non-family member was a huge boost. Thank you for sowing the seed in my mind to write about soil and bugs. Coming soon!

  • Editing

    Sunaina Narang and Priya-Iyer Vyas

    For giving me your initial impressions on the first draft and guiding me on the quest to find an editor.

  • Debbie Heald 

    The person who made the biggest impact on this story in the shortest time! Thank you, Debbie,setting the bar so high in my search for a children’s book editor.

  • Niyati Dhuldhoya  

    For all your suggestions and our long discussions/debates that gave the story depth and its final form. Every tedious rewrite started grudgingly and ended with me thinking how brilliant your direction was.  Thank you for pulling the story out of me (and doubling the word count!) 

  • Nisha Shaw

    For reviewing the corrections that need to be done before the reprint.

  • Illustrations

    Arav Tewari

    The boy genius, for setting the tone for the illustrations. I am so glad I got to work with you before you become too famous to remember or recognise me. Watch out, world!

  • Praveen Yaramilli

    For giving “life” to the illustrations. Your suggestion of anthropomorphising the daisy was brilliant. 

  • Annu Yadav

    The most talented illustration artist and one of the coolest people I know, thank you for humouring my idiosyncrasies regarding the design and for making the final publication look so awesome.

  • Fact-Checking

    Saritha Sudhakaran

    For being a shining example of living a waste-less life and teaching me to reduce my waste. I really appreciate the time you spent checking the drafts in detail and pointing out the corrections.

  • Nicholas Nogar

    More young people need to be as driven as you are towards making an impact. Thank you for the great ideas on how the story could proceed. 

  • Minakshi Pande

    For being a beacon of hope for our planet. I love the work you do in waste segregation and appreciate your review of the book.

  • Publishing

  • Puneet Mehrotra

    For pushing me to stop waiting for perfection and publish the book on Kindle.

  • Amitabh Nagpal

    For introducing me to the concept of self-publishing.

  • Pooja Rajpal

    For accommodating my insistence on using 100% recycled paper and then making the effort to find the best quality. It is such a pleasure to work with people like you, who always exceed expectations.

  • Monadnock Paper Mills

    For crafting such good quality paper so that the print version could stay true to its purpose. 

  • Amazon

    For providing platforms like Kindle and Audible and a global sales network for independent/newbie self-publishers.

  • Adaptations

    Annu Yadav

    For navigating the Kindle design and upload process. 

  • Mala Mangla and Anuj Datta

    For lending your voices to the audio version and for handling the audible upload. P.S. I can’t wait for the Hindi translation! 

  • Constance Basart

    My mother-in-law, for translating it into Dutch.

  • Vincent van Noord and Sharon Thomas

    For doing the first round of edits to the Dutch version. 

  • Website

    Madeleine Somerville

    For creating the learning resources and making the descriptions so delightful. You are such a talented and beautiful wordsmith!..

  • Annu Yadav

    Your name is going to keep cropping up!

  • Jatinder Bhurji & Pankaj Bhurji

    My go-to person for anything technical. Thank you for your suggestions and improvements in turning the design into a functioning site.

  • GreenGeeks

    For helping me realise my dream of hosting the site on a green server and making it possible to keep Planet B truly sustainable in every aspect.

  • Special Mentions

    Revati Jain

    For reading the book on Kindle and then booking a bulk order months before the print version came out.

  • Mr. Kaiser Dopaishi

    For being such a visionary leader, creating opportunities, and opening doors. I am indebted to you.

  • Priyanka Mitra

    For always supporting and encouraging all entrepreneurs. You are a wonderful human being .

  • Rohini Mathur

    My business partner, thank you for being the wind beneath my wings. 

  • Mr. Ramesh Mathur, Rakhi Mathur and the extended Mathur family

    For going out of your way to support me. 

  • Aakash Shivdasani

    For making the fantastic animation of the cover.  

  • Rohit Samuel

    For adding the book to the library of the Dalai Lama.

  • Priya Kashyap, Shriti Tyagi, Nipa Charagi, Rubina Majid,SK Appachu, Ramona Bakshi, Andre Jhaveri, Kapil Mandawewala, Kaushal Shah, Nita Soans, Bharat Kapur, Rahul Bansal, and so many other large-hearted people

    For connecting me with your contacts who you thought could help in illustrating, editing, publishing, printing, marketing, sales and any other way. 

  • God

    For sowing the seed of an idea and guiding me through the process, for introducing me to all these wonderful people. Each person has been equally helpful in shaping the progress and success of Planet B.

  • YOU!

    Yes, you, the person reading this. You definitely deserve credit for reading right till the end.

  • I cannot thank you enough!

P.S.  If you were looking for your name and I missed it, please forgive my ageing memory and call me immediately to let me know how upset you are. I will try my best to make it up to you.

Our journey on Planet B has just begun. I hope you will all continue to guide me on this path to create a better future for the generations to come.

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