One ordinary day in the distant future, a young girl named Ela makes a startling discovery. What she finds will ignite hope, inspire curiosity, and uncover a dark truth about her planet.

About the book

Planet B: Making of M.I.T.R.A. is both a gripping story and a powerful educational tool, combining intrigue and information to explore environmental concepts like circular lifestyles, recycling, and climate change. Planet B equips children with detailed knowledge and hands-on activities, empowering them to create a more sustainable future.

What educators are saying about planet B

The students are loving the book. I would recommend [Planet B] to all parents and schools. My students were able to link it to their units of inquiry….This book fits especially into the IB framework of teaching and learning without making it sound as a mandatory requirement.

- Mr. Kaiser Dopaishi

Head of Podar ORT International School, Mumbai

The way that you have brought a serious issue of climate change to a child’s level and interest is commendable. The book is beautifully written and offers practical solutions to all the challenges that we are facing. This book will certainly inspire children to do small acts to make a difference. I also enjoyed the engaging activities and brilliantly presented illustrations.

- Pooja Bhatia

Head of Primary School and Head of World Study, The Ardee School, New Delhi

This novel is a delight to read. The enthusiastic characters in the story continue to maintain the interest of the readers till the end. The activity and letters in between the novel are an unusual element that will surely encourage young readers to include the practices in their daily lives.

- Ruchita Singh

English teacher, Laxman Public School

What educators are saying about planet B

The students are loving the book. I would recommend [Planet B] to all parents and schools. My students were able to link it to their units of inquiry….This book fits especially into the IB framework of teaching and learning without making it sound as a mandatory requirement.

--- Mr. Kaiser Dopaishi

Head of Podar ORT International School, Mumbai

The way that you have brought a serious issue of climate change to a child’s level and interest is commendable. The book is beautifully written and offers practical solutions to all the challenges that we are facing. This book will certainly inspire children to do small acts to make a difference. I also enjoyed the engaging activities and brilliantly presented illustrations.

--- Pooja Bhatia

Head of Primary School and Head of World Study, The Ardee School, New Delhi

This novel is a delight to read. The enthusiastic characters in the story continue to maintain the interest of the readers till the end. The activity and letters in between the novel are an unusual element that will surely encourage young readers to include the practices in their daily lives.

--- Ruchita Singh

English teacher, Laxman Public School

What kids are saying about Planet B

I loved the subject matter and the thought-provoking plot. It made me want to be more conscious about my daily decisions, such as throwing a half-eaten banana or leaving the AC switched on when I exit a room. We all need to be more mindful about our planet and environment, and this book inspires you to do so.

- Tara , 12

This book is amazing. We all know that we, as a race, have not been very environmentally conscious. We’re already experiencing the effects of global warming and ‘Planet B’ is a great tool in teaching children the importance of nature without preaching.

- Abeer, 13

I felt the book was very motivating about being eco-friendly. Me and my family have started recycling and reusing…I plan on collecting trash and garbage to help the planet and control climate change.

--- Rysa, Grade 5, Ardee World School

I enjoyed reading it because it’s a topic we are talking about in school, but this book makes it more interesting as it’s a story about four friends who save the planet. What makes this book more exciting are crosswords and poems, which I love.

- Naina, 8

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